Hotel Ciuri di Badia contacts

Contact us. Contacting Hotel Ciuri di Badia is just a phone call or email away. Our staff is here to answer questions or help you book your upcoming stay. Contact us today.

How to reach us

Take the motorway A29 following the direction Trapani for about 43 km. Then take the "Castellammare del Golfo" exit. Go straight for 20 km on the national road SS 187. You will find the Hotel Ciuri di Badia on your left at the 20th km on the SS 187.

Distance: 60 Km. Travel Time : 45 minutes.

Take the Road SP 21 following the direction of Trapani, then take the motorway A29, direction Punta Raisi for 6 km and exit at Trapani. Arriving in Trapani, at the roundabout turn on the right in direction Erice and Valderice. Go straight on for about 19 km. You will find Hotel Ciuri di Badia at the 20th Km of the SS 187 on your right.

Distance: 37 Km. Travel Time : 40 minutes.

GPS: Lat: East 12° 42' 49'' - Long: North 38° 02' 08''

If you are looking for a hotel near San Vito Lo Capo with free parking then Hotel Ciuri di Badia may be the right solution for you. We have a big private and video-surveilled Car Parking.
There is also a bus parking area for groups (free bus parking lots).

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